[Serious] Players of violent video games, how do you feel about the recent accusation these games are associated with the rise in mass shootings? Non players what do you think?

Honestly not surprised. This stigma about video games has been around for years now.

I grew up playing video games of all sorts and I honestly feel playing these games made me more mature, discipline and weirdly calmer. I guess playing online and dealing with all the bullshit and toxicity from a young age actually helped me face the adult world which is also full of bullshit and frustrating moment sometimes.

Assuming that video games contribute to such horrific behavior is just down right wrong. In my opinion it is just another way of side stepping actual problems such as: mental health issue and gun control.

I mean the statistics are there: https://i.imgur.com/EFlAk5C.jpg

As for the internet in general and living in a world more and more connected but with less human interaction, I feel it wight contributed to people felling lonelier but that a whole other subject.

/r/AskReddit Thread