[Serious] /r/india, following the carb specific post for South Asians, what are the grooming products and LPT's for grooming (and fashion too) you'd recommend for Indians? (both sexes)

Great tips. Would suggest understanding style as the next step, and trying to establish one.

An easy trap to fall into (especially in today's world where everyone is a forum rat) is to blindly take advice from StyleForum and MFA. They cater to very western tastes. If I wear a shirt with the collar buttons buttoned (a.k.a OCBD), people in office would wonder why I'm SO FORMAL. Yet in the US such button down shirts are considered kinda casual.

(I'm guessing everyone wants to be in that zone of gelling in but also standing out.)

I AM NO EXPERT AT THIS. I'm just a guy who one day decided to up his game. Professionally, I felt that I was already ahead of the curve, and being better dressed could be sone pe suhaga. I've learnt a few things that might seem obvious to you, but were certainly not to me. AGAIN I SAY THESE THINGS WITH ZERO AUTHORITY.

  1. Dress for the weather. Not only functionally but also aesthetically. Wear your khakis more often in the summer. Buy some light grey chinos. Leave that dark blue check shirt in the closet when it's warm. Similarly, in the winter, wear black jeans. Wear dark indigo denim.

  2. Slim fit is your friend. Really. I wear only Levi's since I can read a chart and see what their numbers mean. 511 is slim, but I find it plenty roomy. 510 is skinny slim and I have a pair, and I kinda dig them.

  3. Tailors will happily taper your current pants. Even if your current trousers flare at the bottom, just ask your tailor to taper them. THEY GET IT. Mine even advised me to make the opening some 15 inches or so, when I was asking for like 16.5. And he was right.

  4. UP YOUR SHOE GAME. Shoes are dope and really easy to wear. Because unlike shirts and pants, shoes don't fit different people differently. You just need to find one that is comfy. Sneakers can be a lot of fun, and go really well with slim fitted trousers, since you can show them off. Adidas has an online store in India, in fact have an awesome sale going on right now. Nike is almost exclusively on Myntra. MFA has TONNES of inspiration albums for these brands, and also Vans, Chucks, etc.

  5. Think outfits. From what I've understood, there are simple outfits that just work. Like the roti + aloo gobi of the fashion world. Could be grey t shirts, indigo jeans, sneakers, or white shirt, khakis and brown shoes, etc.

  6. Rotation. Say I own 3 pairs of jeans and 2 trousers. Back in the day, I'd wear one thing till it stank, then chuck it in the washing machine. Now I rotate almost 3-4 of them. It makes me feel I'm wearing different-ish stuff everyday, and goes with the idea of thinking outfits. Same with shoes, I have a few and rotate.

I dunno if any of this makes sense, I am in no way good at this. I fear I'm talking about stuff so basic, that my fashionable friends would laugh at me like we laugh at Americans when they can't tell how far you'd go in an hour if you were going at 80 mph. But if it's helped any of you, then I'm happy.

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