Stop overeating?

fasted work outs in the morning are a good way to cut through stubborn fat (*after you already have a muscle base built up** weight lifting isn't an option when it comes to losing the final bit of weight or else you'll just be losing muscle weight at the end and undoing progress). afterwards it's still important to eat something high carb afterwards for recovery/gains

Nate Miyaki has written some good info about carbohydrates that's helpful for this > he wrote a book called "the truth about carbs" which is a useful little book , but he has free written things on the internet too if you search for it, you can find pdfs for things he's written on macronutrients. he's not veg but for his understanding of what nutrition does in strength training it's still worth reading // for overeating, eat a higher quantity of vegetables, and eat before you start feeling hungry so you don't just go for what's convenient //also wouldn't go too low on salt if you're working out, you're more at risk of going too low than too high when on a vegan diet, unless maybe you're eating a lot of processed foods still

if you like to eat at night you might like this I do this personally, eat more at night and not so much in the first half of the day, which is good timing to get your calories and nutrition anyways because your body does the most recovery work while you're sleeping anyways

- source/personal trainer, have done sports, lifting and training forever

/r/PlantBasedDiet Thread