[Serious] Reddit, have you ever come across a post by someone else that was about you? What was it?

Ending friendships is weird. Theres a kid who used to be my next door neighbour and my best friend. Somehow we ended up getting into a sexual relationship which lasted for a couple years and eventually became kinda weird and our friendship crumbled as a result. We would periodically make up only for something dumb to happen and us stop being friends again. Rinse and repeat. This past moment of us being friends again was last winter; I saw him at a bar that I frequent, and we hit it off pretty well, and i remembered why I liked him so much. It was strange; from so many years of not talking to randomly becoming somewhat close again. Everything seemed like it would be find between us, we were hanging out and drinking and I taught him how to play pool and it was all good. We had a somewhat deep conversation and he told me that he wasnt gay which is fine, i can accept that, even though i dont really understand our previous relationship but whatever. He ends up leaving for Navy boot camp and something happens because when i kept trying to see if he could hang out on leave, he would just duck me and ignore any calls or texts. I didnt want to really be too persistent about it because I didnt want to seem weird, but at the same time, i only had a limited amount of days that i could take off work, so i needed some sort of guarantee that we could hang out. I kept trying to see if we could make something happen but as it turns out he decided to just lie to me and ignore any interaction i was trying to have, which was pretty painful as I thought things had moved on from this childish bullshit. I dont really know what I did to have him start acting like a cunt towards me. Im fine with not being friends, id just like to know what happened. Im pretty sure the kid has some mental issues, he drinks too much and hes gotten in a lot of trouble in the past because of it. What a dumbass.

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