[Serious] Redditor’s who live in secluded towns, what is the darkest thing that happened in your town but is kept secret?

I've lived in small, out of the way towns all my life... I've been very young through most of it but theres what I remember.
Every year of so I'm my town a teenager dies... it would be so weird is there weren't only 500 or so kids at my school... I'm in my last year so I think I'm almost safe but I'm still scared. Me and my friends bring it up sometimes but it never really lasts in conversation since we get uncomfortable... there's also a strong acult present and no one knows who's apart of it but there are always note poked away in random places with symbols on them and the tunnels for the stormwater are filled with writing, everyone's named them too but it's escaped me rn (to early to be writing the scary law of my town)

We also flooded the old town when the dam was built and there are rumors that some people were left down there to drown

some of the ways teens have died over the last for years
- pulled off the bridge and hit something underwater
- swimming and drowned
-suicide (I really liked him, he was a great guy)
- this one girl who my cousins were best friends with died and no one knows how or why

/r/AskReddit Thread