[Serious] Redditors who have lawfully killed someone, what's your story?

Late to this but here you go:

I was 10, and Dumb and Dumber just came out. My brother really wanted to take my step-sister and I to the movies and we picked that one, so we go after school one day. I remember we were at a gas station, just pulling out, I was scrambling to put on my seat belt. My brother drove like a dumb teenager (which he was), my step-step sister was in the backseat just non-stop talking, and then we start going down this steep hill. At the bottom of the hill is a little Geo just stopped in the middle of the road. We all thought it would move, certainly it was just taking it's sweet time. Soon we realized it wasn't moving, but everything happened so fast. I think my brother tried to stop, but honestly I don't remember much about the actual events. I remember crashing into them, into the drivers side... I remember seeing the elderly woman's face before we hit. We spun around and around, eventually landing in the opposite direction on the other side of the road. Their car went into the trees. Then it was all eerily silent. Some people at the gas station had seen, one lady was a nurse, and ran to our aid. I was in shock and said nothing, my step-sister was hysterical, and my brother was probably in shock too. I think he still feels like it's all his fault (we've never talked about this).

No one ever told us what happened to those two elderly women. But I know they died. I know they died because the EMT's covered their bodies with sheets as they loaded them into the ambulance. And because my step-sister had to ride with them, and said she was the only one making any noise. I only know it was two women because their shoes were sticking out the end.

Still I have no idea who they were, what happened or why they just stopped in the middle of the road. I have no idea, but I wonder about it constantly. For the longest time I felt awful because I know we killed them but no one would talk to me about it. No one would even acknowledge that this thing happened. Then my brother moved away.

And I still hate Dumb and Dumber. Not the movie's fault, but it will always remind me of that day.

/r/AskReddit Thread