[Serious] Redditors who have or know someone who claims to have experience with extra-terrestrials, what stories do you have to share?

Right, so I have a story. It will have been about a year and a half ago, I think around Christmas, as I remember it being cold and the dark setting in early.

I'd just finished a day shift at the hotel I worked in near Chester, England. Nothing was out of the ordinary, just a usual day where I was happy to be finished and heading home. I got to my car, put on some music and headed for home.

The hotel I worked at has really long driveway, about a mile in total, through the golf courses and ending with a view over the lake to the main part of the hotel. It was about a quarter of a way down the driveway I noticed some lights in the sky. It was a overcast and dribbling, and the visibility was poor because of the thick clouds. The only way I can describe the lights are as helicopter spotlights, but with about eight all forming a large circle.

I pushed it out of my mind at first, as in the centre of the lake there is a fountain with lights, and I assumed they were shining onto the clouds. It wasn't until about another few hundreds metres or so down the driveway, that I realised the lights appeared to be moving along with me. I watched them for 30 seconds or so, and carried on driving. When I got to the end of the drive, the main entrance to the hotel, they were still there. Eight or so, white spotlights forming a large circle in the clouds above the field in front of me. They started moving in circles at this point, and the lights were distorting into an oval kind of shape, as spotlights do when the shine at an angle onto the ground.

I watched for a minute or so, and headed for home. I still to this day have no idea what I saw, but it was definitely a strange thing to see. I hate to scream UFO or anything, but I wonder what on earth it could have been. Everyone I've told has laughed at me, not that I blame them, I would too. I just wish I'd not been too caught up to forget taking a picture to prove them wrong.

/r/AskReddit Thread