[Serious] Redditors who've survived a kidnapping: What's your story?

I was drugged - "roofied" - by a complete stranger. I was supposed to meet a friend for dinner that night, but she was running really late. While waiting, a man offered to buy me a drink. It quickly becomes a blur, but I remember him trying to assault me behind the building where we'd met. At that point, I was still coherent enough to resist. He tried to get me to leave with him in his friend's car. From what I've been able to piece together, a few teenage boys walked out of a nearby convenient store & I literally followed them home like a lost puppy. The man & his friend followed us (we were walking) for a half mile or so trying to get me into the car with them. I credit those teenage boys for potentially saving my life - they kept me from getting into the car.

I woke up 10 hours later in what I imagine a crack house looks like to the sight of a freakishly large lizard staring me down from behind its glass terrarium... but I was fully clothed, and on a nearby table I found my wallet (nothing removed), cell phone (blown up with missed calls & messages), a glass of water and two Advil. It felt a lot like the scene in The Hangover when the guys wake up and find a tiger in the bathroom.

It was the home of one of the teenage boys (definitely the oldest one in the group; he probably wasn't a teenager). Maybe "crack house" is a harsh description, but only slightly... I found the boys smoking pot and playing video games in the living room. It was about 3:30 am. They gave me the address, and I sat with them while waiting for my sister to come get me. One guy did a line of coke on the coffee table. They did generously offer for me to partake (both in their illicit activities and the video game); I did decline. There were probably a dozen pit bulls (mostly puppies) roaming around. I was still pretty dazed, but I remember playing with the puppies. All of the carpet in the house had been ripped out, so mostly just dirty concrete floor. The walls were covered in graffiti - all the walls, from top to bottom, at least in every room I saw - definitely some gang affiliated artwork in the mix. The whole house was just filthy. The backyard resembled a dump. Their home was the sketchiest place I've ever been, but those boys truly may have saved my life. I'm a lot better about not judging a book by its cover these days.

I'm an upper-middle class, college educated, reasonably attractive girl in my mid twenties. On one hand, I know I should've known better than to accept a drink from a stranger. On the other hand, to this day, it doesn't seem taboo to me for a man to offer to buy a woman a drink. I’m much more cautious now, and just very thankful to be okay.

/r/AskReddit Thread