[Serious] Have you or someone you know ever been sent to a "boot camp for troubled teens"? If so, what are your experiences?

I had a close friend in highschool who was sent to one when he was 15. He ended up running away from it and hitch hiking back home(he was a few states over). Then he bounced from friends homes(I hide him at mine for a week). He was selling weed and then moved to harder drugs to make money. But after about 9 months of that he ended up with his older brother and re enrolled back in highschool(he was 16 at that point). His parents disowned him unless he go back to military school and get straight. He got a job at a fast food place and was still selling drugs(mostly pot but sold other harder drugs occasionally). Well one night at his job the cops showed up and he had acid on him(just one hit). He ended up punching the cop since he knew he go to jail for a long time and running(wasn’t his first run in with the law he was on probation for being caught with a eighth of weed). Got caught 3 weeks later and sent to jail. He currently is serving a 15 year sentence(this was 10 years ago and he was just 18 when it happened). I really think the military school fucked him up more. If he would have stayed in school and not been sent away he would probably be out of jail and never sold drugs to make ends meet. He wasn’t even a bad kid(just drank and smoked pot on occasion but still got good grades he was really smart.) before they sent him off!

/r/AskReddit Thread