[SERIOUS] Teachers of Reddit, what is the most disturbing thing your student has ever done?

I had to escort a potentially suicidal student to the counseling center.

I teach at a university. During an exam, I noticed a student was very distressed. Afterwards, he started hitting his head against the desk and telling me he was going to hurt himself later that day.

During the semester, he had said some pretty alarming things in class. I showed a picture of two women looking scared around a campfire and asked the class to identify the emotion. He yells that the "two girls are afraid to be raped by a man." I should have intervened at this point but this was almost 10 years ago - my very first semester teaching so I didn't know shit.

On the walk over to the counseling center, he tells me he has anger issues and that he hears voices. It was a scary walk for me. I was genuinely worried about him hurting either or both of us.

Kinda a happy ending though. He ended up getting regular counseling through the school. I saw him around campus the next semester and he seemed so much better.

/r/AskReddit Thread