[Serious]What are the things your parents have done to you which you wouldn't do to your child?

  • when ever i’m even mildly upset about something, my mom always mocks me and says that i’m feeling sorry for myself and having a pity party. i just wish that i could express my feelings without being mocked and belittled.

  • my parents won’t give me some space when i need to get away from them after a fight. i try to go to my room to cool off but they bust into my room and continue the fight. if i lock my door, i’m grounded. at this point, i have to listen to my favorite rock/punk songs in order for me to calm down. it’s actually very helpful for me!

  • my parents assuming they know everything about me and making assumptions based on it. i’m a very private person and don’t tend to open up to people. my parents think i’m a lazy piece of shit, although i am very motivated but they just don’t know it. all they see is me sitting on my phone all the time. yes, i do spend a lot of time on my phone, but i have a drive to do good in school and to be successful in life.

  • my parents belittling me to other relatives and friends on the phone. whenever my mom is on the phone with other relatives/friends, she likes to tell them things that i’ve done wrong. it’s really embarrassing and humiliating.

  • my parents putting us (me & my siblings) in time out, even though i’m not four anymore. i’m fourteen and my mom still puts me in time out. it doesn’t happen too often anymore, but it does still occur every once in a while. she also still puts my eighteen year old sister in time out every so often.

  • getting very very close to my face when she (my mom) is mad at me. whenever i piss my mom off, she likes to get very close to my face and clenches her teeth. she hisses her words at me. i try to step back, but she moves closer. i think it’s her way of asserting that she is the adult in the situation.

  • my mom has never admitted when she is wrong. whenever i point out that she has said something untrue, or even when she has been in the wrong in a situation, she won’t even talk to me. she shuts down, calls me disrespectful, and refuses to talk to me.

  • making fun of me for having no friends. i have social anxiety and have a really hard time making friends. i sit alone at lunch. it doesn’t bother me too much. i have never talked about my social anxiety or mental health with my parents. my mom assumes that i’m mean and disrespectful and that’s why i don’t have any friends. she brings this up a lot in arguments. in reality, i just don’t talk to people and people don’t know me well because of this.

and a lot of other things, this post was getting way too long. basically, i won’t do anything that my parents do to me to my future kids.

/r/AskReddit Thread