[Serious] What does it "feel" like to be intelligent?

Intelligent, not sure. I’ve taught myself how to do my job for the past 15 years. My colleagues are university graduates, mostly. And I’ve managed to maneuver myself into a position of leadership. About a year and a half ago I got myself into a big accident that lead to brain damage. My recovery was amazingly good, but… I’ve noticed permanent damage up there.

Take a look at the TED Talk by Amy Cuddy. She also talks about a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and how that affected her. She always identified as being intelligent, and then she had to take a few steps down that intelligence ladder.

A similar deal was my consequence of the accident. I never identified as intelligent, but things just came easy and naturally to me. I could breeze through life at 75% and I’d easily get through everything I wanted. I learnt new skills easily, I handled problems intelligently, I found it easy to talk to many types of people, and I was a king at multi tasking (even as a guy).

Now? It actually takes time and effort to learn things. I never noticed how great my memory was; right now I have to note everything down where previously it would just be in the back of my head and I would never forget important things.

When my GF tells me what she’s doing in 3 days time, I’ll forget unless I note it down and set a reminder. It used to just stick in my brain with no effort. At work, during meetings, I used to remember all the talking points and things I needed to do. Right now, I’ll note things down and have to create stickies for myself to remind me doing things.

I’m not dumb by any means, I think. But I’ve lost intelligence that I never knew I had. I especially didn’t appreciate or even recognize it.

The end result: My maximum ability is probably 80% of what it was before the accident. And back then, I always functioned at 75% because I’m a lazy SOB. So even if I try my hardest and get to my current full 100%, that’s still only 5% better than my old lazy-mode self.

I can only imagine what I’d be able to do if I didn’t have that accident. With just a little bit of effort I could be what is currently my max and tires me out immensely.

/r/AskReddit Thread