[Serious]What is the least professional thing a medical professional has ever said to you?

I'm currently suffering from nerve problems in my neck and elbows which were exacerbated by repetitive stress injuries. My current insurance requires all initial doctor visits to go through a specific health center. Last year, I had seen the same doctor a couple of times about this issue before any imaging tests were done and I was super stressed out about the impact it had been having on my ability to type and work on research and my dissertation. This doctor and I did not get along very well, and I believe he thought I was making things up or being "hysterical." At one appointment where he basically shrugged instead of giving me suggestions of what to check next, he left the room while saying, "well, maybe you should try praying."

To clarify: this is at a health center at a large, public, non-religious university, and I had never given information on my religious beliefs. It's up there with the rheumatologist whose pain advice was basically to try petting my cats. I don't see either doctor anymore.

/r/AskReddit Thread