[SERIOUS] What is the most painful thing you've ever been told?

"What did she tell you? What did she take?"

My aunt asked me this while the EMS were bringing my sister back from a suicide attempt in another room (my sister came thru okay, thank G-d), because in my grief and panic in the moment I said "I knew this would happen." My aunt kept asking me that until my cousin came in and physically pulled her away.

My sister didn't tell me anything (we weren't very close then), and I didn't know what she took (I walked into the house as they were trying to bring her back, I saw her lying on the floor, I was told she took pills, and that was all that I knew about the situation). I didn't even know the reason. I just know my sister, I watched her for years as she suffered, I saw the signs, I told them so, and no one really listened. I knew it would happen eventually. But my aunt asking me that, over and over, when all I wanted to do was go comfort my mother... where there was nothing I could even say about the situation except "I told you so"...

My sister is alive and doing better now, and I can't be happier about that. We're all doing better now.

(Sorry for the throwaway)

/r/AskReddit Thread