[Serious] What is the most racist encounter you have had?

I work at a hospital. One night I was taking care of this guy in for cellulitis of his foot or something. Really nice guy, didn't need much, didn't ask for much, just asked for some ice cream around 9 pm each night I took care of him. Super easy patient, never disrespected me or anything. One night, I went in to get his vital signs and he was watching this movie about a horse that went against all odds to make it to the Kentucky derby or something, and he acted like he really liked the movie, so I started talking to him about hit.

I ask him if he'd ever been to the Kentucky derby before, and he says twice. One time was a few years ago, he got to go as a part of some group and sit in some box seats and it was all paid for and really cool. Then he says, "Second time was back in '67. I was there with the National Guard. N*****s almost ruined the whole goddamn thing for us all."

It probably wasn't the most racist thing I've ever seen or heard in my life, but it just sticks out to me how someone can just casually drop that kind of racism to someone he's known for less than 48 hours.

I've also taken care of people with swastika tattoos and the like, which is always a shock, but they've never done anything actively racist in front of me.

/r/AskReddit Thread