[Serious]What is the purpose of your life?

I was in Afghanistan for the second time it was February 2010. I got a phone call from the American red cross saying my dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital that I needed to come home. I get to the hospital after 36 hours of non-stop travel to have the doctor tell me that because of my father's alcoholism there is little hope that he will ever wake up again. I take the next 48 hours to decide to take my father off of life support. It wasn't one of those quick 30 minutes or one hour and they are gone. I sat there and listened to him gasp for air for over 8 hours. It was the worst expierence in my life, but I wanted to stay since it was I that made the decision. I had no brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, my mother had already died. Just me and my dad and when he took his last breath it was the lonliest I ever felt. I hope he would forgive me for the decision I had to make it is one that I still struggle with to this day.

EDIT 21 December 2013 I want to thank you all for the support and positive messages. This time of year is especially difficult when dealing not only with the loss of a family member, but the decisions you have made. I was 25 at the time when this happened. I sometimes find myself jealous of other people who still have their family for the holidays I know that I really should not feel that way, but it is hard to overcome. Well I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, Happy holiday, and a great new year. Enjoy your families and make lasting memories, and again thank you all for the kind words of encouragement!

/r/AskReddit Thread