(Serious) What’s something that’s bothering you that you need to get off your chest, but are afraid to talk to someone about?

I really want to leave my girlfriend. So much is broken about us after 4 years and nothing I do to try to men's things works. She just ignores me and pretends it's all fine. She's selfish, lazy, doesn't want to do anything I want to do, has gained weight that she refuses to lose, our sex life is non-existent at 24 and it's my fault because "I don't make her feel attractive" because I'm not attracted to her. She has an excuse for everything.

I'm ready to be out but I'm terrified of being alone. I can barely afford rent as it is, I already have depression that I need therapy/meds for, it's just too much. I have all these life plans that, in my daydreams, just don't include her. She doesn't make me happy anymore. There's the occasional sweet gesture but there's no real change. It's always empty promises that she never holds her end of.

/r/AskReddit Thread