[Serious] What would you do to make (certain) things better in South Africa?

Our biggest fundamental issue in SA is education. Education is wealth and power, without it you will get nowhere.

I don't really subscribe to a lot of the BS that came from the student protests and to be fair I do think it was highjacked towards the end by political parties who either wanted to create unrest or to shift people's focus from things happening within the government.

Now one thing I do think, is that our lack of success in teaching our kids may come down to the fact that we are just teaching them wrong. A few years ago I watched a video on YouTube (I wish I could find it now) and it focused on how the western way of teaching children is incorrect and tbh, at the time I watched it, it made complete sense. Fast forward to this year and the science must fall movement is saying something similar just not as eloquently.

We invest a shed load of money in tuition, more so than most countries, I just think the curriculum is not geared in a way to teach out children correctly. Of course teach math and science, no country could function without either of them (we need engineers if we want to thrive) but we need to figure out a better way of delivering the information. I have no idea how and tbh, being white I would probably never know, I only know how I was raised.

Different cultures bring up their kids differently so is it really a big surprise that the western way of teaching kids is not working in Africa? Add the 10 thousand other issues and it's really no suprise that we just don't seem to get it right.

What I would be interested in finding out, is how are kids in other southern African countries taught and what are their success rates? Maybe I am completely wrong in my assumption.

/r/southafrica Thread