[Serious]What's the creepiest real video on the internet?

I just spent a few hours going through his memoirs, online posts and his Youtube videos. What struck is was that he's taste in music is pretty good lol, and Cali looks beautiful. But most importantly just how trollish he comes across, its almost surreal. He seems like some dude who is satirising r/incel users, like in some of his post he says stuff like "How can they not see how perfect I am?". Some the users he was talking to on that forum(PUAhate) were just as bad saying stuff like "we need to whip women to put them in their place", wonder what they thought when they saw the news a couple months later. The video you linked to is even more bizarre, just seems crazy that a few hours after he went and killed six people. I kinda wonder if was just in another world as he began shooting and driving, only to come to his senses the second before he pulled the gun on himself. Crazy to think about. I'm glad I escaped that toxic mindset by the time I was 18 or so. I mean, I'm still a loser(lonely, virgin and all that jazz), but I've stopped blaming women(and others) and looks myself. And even if I do fix up I still know I'm not owed a relationship or a girls attraction. Sorry for pouring all this on you, just had a ton of thoughts swirling through my head after watching that vid. Have a good day.

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