[Serious] What's the creepiest story you've ever read/heard, true or not?

Sweet! So the first creepy thing that happened was (literally) the minute my grandmother passed away in 2006. This actually has two creepy parts. The first is that my aunt (uncle's sister in above story) has these really odd premonitions from time to time. As my grandmother's health was decreasing from cancer, my aunt actually predicted TO THE MINUTE when she would go... about 2 months before it happened. She was off by about 20 minutes. Let's continue. Now, it was Thanksgiving day when she passed. The whole family was together in my grandparents' house, about 25 of us. She had been unresponsive for the entire week and we knew she was drifting quickly. So we all headed back to her room, and silently waited until she passed peacefully, surrounded by all of us. This is the part where I'm almost reluctant to tell people, but stick with me. When I said literally above, i really meant it. She had this old clock on her wall, been there ever since I was little. The battery died when she did, and the hands have been in the same position ever since. How crazy is that?

I'll keep the next ones short. Several months after she passed, my mom was visiting my grandfather. My mom noticed that a picture was missing from the living room wall that grandma had painted way back in the day of some birds. Again, I remember that painting on the same wall, untouched ever since I was little. My grandfather had not moved it, and they went on a search thinking someone else must have moved it. They checked all the rooms, closets, garage, couldn't find it. The house is kind of circular, so after some time checking each room, they ended up in the same room that they started in, where picture was always hanging. And sure enough, there it was, hanging back on the wall.

Ok, last one with my grandpops! For just turning 87, he's pretty much still on point. Decently healthy, fairly active, memory is still pretty good, all that. But for some reason, he has some almost OCD habit about checking the front door to make sure it's locked. He claims that every time he checks it, it's always unlocked. We have checked it several times, and it's always been locked for us, but he insists that it unlocks. One night, he was sitting in the living room, dog on his lap, watching tv. He said that heard the door from the other room, so he peeked his head around the corner. The dog did a quiet, scared growl, and my grandpa swears he saw a faint woman in a blue dress holding the hand of a little boy, who waved at my grandpa. (Just got goosebumps typing this lol). They silently walked around the corner into the next room, and my grandpa went to see what the hell was going on, but no one was there and the door was still locked.

I have two more that don't include my grandfather! All of these stories are still pretty hot topics between my family. We talk about them quite a bit because they are so freaking creepy. I'll tell my last two if anyone wants to hear them!

/r/AskReddit Thread