[Serious] Who did you trust completely only to have them betray you?

I had a friend that I've known since 3rd grade. We were never really super close growing up but we were friends.

We ended up going to the same high school as well. In high school, we grew even further apart mostly because we were in different cliques. She hung out with the more popular kids and I hung out with the quieter kids.

Two years after high school ends, she randomly hits me up and asks me to hang out with her. I accept and eventually realized that she set me up on a double date with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend. Okay, no big deal. Me and the friend hit it off so we decided to go out.

A week goes by and she calls me crying because her parents are kicking her out of the house. Being a good friend, I told her to pack her things immediately and to take a taxi that I will pay for to my house. She does and she starts to live with me.

A month goes by. Trying to be sensitive to her situation, granted, I didn't pressure her to find a job. I told her to take her time. Also during this time ,she cheated on her boyfriend with a guy friend of mine. I kept my mouth shut. (This is relevant)

Another month goes by. Still no job. No helping around the house. Nothing. By this time, a lot of my savings are gone because I've been paying for 2 people.

Another month goes by. My mom gets very angry with her lack of gratitude and kicks both of us out. We stay at her grandma's house. I stay for a night and then I went back home alone. My now boyfriend finds out that she cheated on her boyfriend who is his best friend. The secret is out. They break up. I find out through them that she has already told him the details of her cheating in the first month by saying it was me. She was trying to ruin my life since she moved in. Why, I don't know. But to this day she tells everyone that I am a horrible friend.

/r/AskReddit Thread