The kids vs marriage dilemma

Yes, it would be nice, but it probably won't happen for a long time, if at all. There are too many special interests at play.

If you want kids, given the bizarre rules of the game, the best strategy I've been able to work out in order to both maximize parental rights, and minimize divorce rape risk, is to have children inside marriage, BUT insist that that marriage be egalitarian, AND keep your own earnings down to something similar to your wife's, during the marriage. Go into it knowing that the marriage will end.

Like it or not, marriages are disposable, and you are best served accepting that fact. If you have the desire for kids, you can find a like minded woman while young, and have a kid or two. She needs to earn roughly what you do, and she's got to maintain that level of earning. If she refuses to go back to work after the kid(s) are born, divorce right away.

If the marriage is typical, it will last up to 10 years or so. If you can keep her earning her own money, and it's close to your own earnings, then divorce likely won't be as horrible as a lot of stories you hear. If you each earn a similar amount, alimony will be very unlikely, especially if the marriage was shorter than 10 years. She'll actually want you to have the kids a decent amount of the time because she'll be busy trying to make ends meet on her own after divorce (because no alimony), so you stand a really good chance of 50% parenting time, and with all of the preceding in place, child support should be none, or very minimal.

After you get that divorce out of the way, then use the time your kids are with their mom, to really launch your career. Put in the extra hours then, go for the big promotions etc. Depending on your timeline, this could be while you are in your early 30's. 1 or 2 good career moves, after you've gotten free of marriage, and established your parenting rights, and you can be in a very, very comfortable spot. Keep those career moves quiet, to avoid an opportunistic request for modification to child support from your ex after divorce.

It's not a perfect plan for parenthood, but given that this game is rigged, it's a really decent strategy for getting what you want, while minimizing your exposure to the nasty side of it all. It's a realistic plan, that actually works pretty well. You can easily end up in your mid 30's with awesome kids, a financially comfortable life, and the ability to peruse whatever sexual strategy you want, all at the same time.

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