Seriously Devs?

Alright boys, listen up. This is mostly for the few who completely missed the point.

This post was a satirical approach at commending the developers, poking fun at the people who are being extremely nit-picky/demanding, and to entertain the reader. Some of you are taking it as a personal attack, like an affirmation that your concerns or loss are never going to be validated or addressed.

I realize that the game isn't perfect. While I fortunately have never dealt with my dinos or pc falling through the world, obviously some people have. I don't play on a server where lag or having my dinos piked through a wall is an issue, but I know some people do.

You want to feel entitled to everything and demand the things that are apparently owed to you in life, go on. There will always be assholes.

Or maybe, just maybe, you could use your brain, you could learn to fucking adapt. Play within the parameters you're given. Play on a server with rules that suit the time you're willing to invest into the game and what you're looking to get out of it.

If you can't cope with loss, why are you playing a survival game in fucking alpha? Are you that dense?

The devs are doing an amazing job when you compare this to any other game I've played during development. I challenge anyone to name a game where the issues brought up by the community have been dealt with in such an expeditious manner. Not to mention releasing metric butt tons of content simultaneously.

Do you think that with the amount of back and forth and communication going on here and in the steam forums between players and devs that they've completely missed these game breaking bugs? Or even more unbelievable, do you think they know about them and are okay with it? That they are going to leave it in as intended gameplay?

FFS people pull your head out of your ass, calm your tits, enjoy life, and stop being such a miserable fuck.

/r/playark Thread