Seth Fontenot to be released Sunday, served less than 1 year behind bars for killing 15 year old and shooting two others

From this area. Listen up. The people here are different. These are the type of people who get wet dreams about getting to use their guns in "self defense"

This guy. He's a normie for the area. Sees his truck getting stolen or whatever. Runs grabs a pistol and starts unloading into the truck. Fuck yeah. America. I'm not against guns. I have plenty but I don't ever care to use em. I had a road rage dude cut me off in traffic in this area block the road off and traffic. Got out his car. Total cop. Could tell from physique and haircut. Started coming at my car. I went to the globe box and pointed at him gave him the I'm gonna fuckng blow your brains out if you break my window and touch me. He left. Lol I didn't have a gun in my car that day.

This is South Louisiana. The same place where a suspect arrested and cuffed managed to conceal a pistol and commit suicide in the back of a police car. Up the road is where the two cops not on duty just patrolling the area for fun shot up a car killing the 6 year old of a man they had issues with. And the media's horrible. Always have shootings. Local news refuses to report because of bad image. Seriously don't come here. Stay as far the fuck away as possible.

Look. The locals try to pr theirselves as not being intollerant racist retards but the majority are. I went to the local college for a while. I'd say 80% of the college grads don't believe in education. I asked well why do Adam and eve have belly buttons almost got lynched in class.

There is a reason he's only doing a year for this. I have my concealed carry license and this is common shit knowledge that you never shoot at a fleeing suspect. Its Louisiana. This the wild West. Don't come here. All the intelectuals have already left.

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