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I've been a staunch advocate for buying music you like instead of streaming it for a long time, and while I do think you shouldn't rely on streaming and if a song you've been listening to a lot disappears and you can't listen to it anymore it's on you for not getting a local copy of it but I'm really starting to question just how sustainable that is for me.
I've been buying CDs for over a decade now since used CDs were cheap and plentiful for a time, but now that I'm getting into artists where this isn't really the case in the States and CD prices are just rising in general I'm starting to question how long I can keep doing this.
I wish I could just say "fuck this" and turn to the high seas but I'm too spoiled on CD quality now so YouTube is off the table and I don't know any good reliable sources for pop music other than that, plus some tracks aren't on streaming, digital marketplaces or YouTube so I have to resort to hunting down an expensive actual copy

/r/shittygaming Thread