Sexual market competition

Back in the day, women didn’t have social media inflating their egos 24/7. Most of them know that they can get any dick they want. The old social conventions that were in place for hundreds of years are now completely eroded. Most people aren’t religious anymore and the idea of settling down young and being a stay at home mother is shunned due to feminism. Women now are more represented at universities and are becoming more educated than men. There are countless efforts (scholarships, conferences, etc.) to push women into high paying careers. Notice I said high paying. Feminists don’t want more female representation in garbage collection. This has led females to not rely on men as much as they use to financially. Even without this, women are still awarded handsomely through government aid and divorce courts. Largely, women don’t pay attention to average men because they don’t need average men anymore. It’s that simple.

During my grandparents time, as long as you were half-normal and could support a family, you could find a decent girl easily and get married in your 20’s with almost zero threat of getting divorce raped.

The sexual market place is truly fucked today and I don’t see it getting any better. The only thing we can do is continue to be red-pill aware and focus on ourselves and only ourselves.

/r/asktrp Thread