That shirt though [TW: Facebook]

So I watched the presentation that the pictured woman made public here

I'll sum it up (loosely):

  • She asks if people have used or heard words like lit, fam, woke, savage, clutch etc and heard of dances like twerking or whip and nae nae
  • I assume everyone raises their hands because their college kids.
  • Should we be proud of them becoming mainstream?
  • WRONG!
  • She uses a picture of WHITE MAN Benedict Cumberbatch when stating this is problematic, I'm triggered.
  • Teen Slang = AAVE (African American Vernacular English) is a language like British English or Australian English.
  • Black Teens nowadays create words like their Slave ancestors did, and all the words that she mentioned like savage, clutch, woke, cancelled, drag and live are words of AAVE and of black culture in general. Yes, the Middle English are furious.
  • She discusses the process of appropriation which boils down to white people stealing from black people, and sometimes latino people too because they can live in a black urban community too.
  • Bloody white people misusing or overusing words invented by blacks, like cancelled, savage and clutch.
  • She plays a Youtube video, which had a WHITE PEOPLE ADVERT BEFORE IT! I'M SO TRIGGERED.
  • The video is of two young Black women who are doing a speaking performance called 'Hide Your Shade Butter' in which they state the issue isn't they don't trust white people, its that they think black looks better on them. I dunno though, I think Hillary Clinton's nae nae on Ellen was the best one I've seen!
  • That brings us onto COLUMBUSING.
  • She translated the title page to standard English - so that was nice.
  • So essentially white people are colonising black culture, which isn't cool.
  • She uses an example of working hard on a project and getting an F on it and feeling bad about that - I'm not sure where she is taking this either...
  • Ah right, someone else stole it and got an A. Bet they're a middle class, white person...
  • That project is black culture, because white people beat and raped their culture out of them so they had to make a new one.
  • So the F is the anti-Black racism... and obviously white people get applauded for taking their projects. I would know, I always get universal praise when my skinny white ass starts twerking.
  • And she ends the presentation by stating that using terms like "Teen Dance Crazes" and "Teen Slang" is whitewashing and racist.
  • She also made a white person joke which was met by the laugh of the cameraperson but thats obviously because white people are racist and if a white person took that joke they'd get a standing ovation.
  • She says to have a Black Day.

All in all, I'm convinced. Fuck white people.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link -