shit post

By no means am I trying to offend you, but the username jumps out at me and delivers a red flag. Would it be like the usernames on this sub in which they describe themselves. Ex. Heroinking, fat_loser_junkie, dope_feind and queen of selfishness. Hmmm? To answer you question with something you want to hear and I believe I've seen you post her before (I think). Your boyfriend is only going to hurt you, but him admitting his addiction is a huge step towards any chance of recovery. Only he is going to get himself clean and no matter what you do, say or wish on him; it will not fix your problems. I hope you aren't financially supporting him, because if you are he is only using you to get high and you are his emotional pillow while he goes through this addiction and it'll drag you down with him. If he says he wants to get clean and doesn't do anything to support those words than you are getting taken on a ride. If he actually manages to do something and go to a detox, rehab or gets on a maintenance program then you have hope. Otherwise as I stated no. As the looks of it things aren't going to well and I truly hope the best for you. Dealing with an addict can cause issues with the person that doesn't use and that is co-dependency. Please read up on that as it will help. Opiates addicts are very selfish, manipulative people that will tell you what you want to hear to get tou off their back and get what they want. [Redundant reply, accidently replied to wrong peron]

I hope this isn't your first love as it's just going to end horribly for you and it may effect your life for a while and you should just by all means move on until he is clean or you and him will continue to have this dysfunctional relationship. Take care and do what you feel is best.

/r/opiates Thread