Shots fired, two men down

Let's break it down a bit:

You've made abortion illegal, women get legally harassed by people when getting one, no matter the circumstances. That is simply not true.

If you're anything by white calling the police can get you killed, even then sometimes you're still murdered. Also, not true. Police do kill a decent amount of people, but to say it's only non-whites is just false.

hundreds of gun murders in every one of your large cities every year

can't find info, i wouldn't disagree though

then you go into some nonsense about it being illegal to help the homeless (that's simply not true, there are a ton of homeless shelters in every city that people can donate food/money to).

America only looks good to Americans.

not true, there's a reason why so many people move to America every year (and no I'm not just talking about illegal immigrants)

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