Should I quit my job?

I am the guy in a very similar situation, except my girlfriend and I just moved in together a few months ago. I'm gonna sort of lay out my thoughts on this because everything else seems almost identical. I will also preface this by saying that I don't know how similar your boyfriend and I are, and you should definitely talk it out with him. But if my perspective can help you empathize a little bit more, then I'm happy.

She does so much more than I do around the house and I feel awful about it. I run at a lower energy level than her and after work, all I want to do is relax and spend an hour or two with my friends before she gets home. I handle the trash and like...handyman stuff (our garage door stopped working, our water heater busted), and occasionally help her clean the dishes, but she pretty much does all the cooking, cleaning, most dishwashing, tidying up, etc. I'm not trying to make excuses; I need to do more. It's a flaw in who I am and I hate that part of me that makes me lazy.

As for the money, I love my girlfriend very much. I'm going to marry her. As far as I'm concerned, anything of mine is absolutely hers as well and I want to share everything with her. Financially, I make somewhere around 6-7 times what she does and if she ever found herself in need of money for something, I would leap at the chance to give it to her. I would not expect anything in return. Besides, she's making me the best person I can be anyways and I would do anything to see her succeed. From a more cynical view, you could say that I'm investing in her success because it means she'll contribute more money in the future, but that's far from the point. The point is that I just want to see her happy and successful and I've been responsible enough to not put myself in monetary jeopardy for that expense. Past living costs, the extra money could not be better spent than relieving some stress from her life.

Again, like I said, you need to talk it through with him. For the time being, I would keep your job until you have an alternative. A bird in the hand blah blah :P

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