We should stop shitting on Facebook

Q: Why are we moderating anything?
Q: Who are the moderators and why? Q: What are the guidelines for censoring content?

Speech and freedom of expression should never be moderated. Malicious is one thing... malicious content can be better quartered than what you or someone else may find "offensive". We need to draw that line because "offensive" content is another matter. I would concede to having some content separated via content warning, but nobody should be silenced because "some of us" don't like what they have to say.

I've seen more shit on Youtube that I wish I hadn't and I've read and watched content across the media that I violently oppose. But I lack the audacity of believing that my point of view is more valid or more correct than yours, or that you should not be able to express yourself and your opinions as you wish simply because I disagree. I will chose to learn from you, or click the back-button.

It isn't up to me, and it isn't up to Facebook or Reddit to determine what is and what is not correct, offensive or just. The right of everyone to express themselves should not be infringed under any circumstance.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread