Silky: America’s gonna love me! America:

She is funny, she is talented, and she's charismatic as hell. She also is probably a really good friend when she's in your corner, with the way Vanjie and A'keria both seem to adore her. But she just cannot handle criticism at all, and while Yvie went in hard on her, her comment about Yvie's ankle was gross and Yvie was right; Silky doesn't listen to criticism. Ru told her she was low during the monster ball, and confronted her with the way she's been skating by with her personnality on the runway. She reminds me of people who think they're always amazing and right, always need to have the last word in, always be the center of attention and if you never disagree with them, they can be great, but the moment someone calls them out... the insecurity jumps out.

Sorry for the paragraph and the run on sentences, I know someone like Silky IRL and its a challenge at times. But, if she was thin and white people, would be alot more forgiving tbh.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread Link -