Simone Biles, others seek $1B-plus from FBI over Nassar

So obviously I know nothing about gynos cause I don't have a vag, but I've noticed marked improvements among the new wave of doctors for level of care, knowledge, desire to treat things, just all around quality of care.

I wonder if the same might be true for new gynos?

I know american healthcare is a fkkn joke, but it took 3 years to get a decent urologist to tell me what was happening with me.

He took one look at my balls and new immediately they were shrunk.

Sent me to an endochronologist the next day, and I've been on testosterone replacement for 6 months feeling great.

the 65 year old urologist I'd been seeing before that?

"It's all in your head,"

"You're drinking too much caffeine" (really... so that tea I had 2 years ago is still affecting me hmm?)

"There's nothing wrong"

Old doctors are 50% + Pieces of useless dogshit that aren't even as good as google.

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