The Simplest and Most Perfect Explanation of Privilege I’ve Ever Seen

I think a lot of it is people tying together statistics that don't really have anything to do with what they're calling out privilege on

I got promoted a while ago over a couple of co-workers that applied for the same position; I had still been there for a decent amount of time, and any time there was a new job/project or overtime I would always jump on it and do what I could, because I was looking out for my future. There's a lot of people that don't work overtime because they want their weekend and don't feel like they need to come in(which is fine it's their time and everyone has a different value on what's worth their time) and only would learn/work on new stuff when they were specifically asked. But after I got the promotion they started acting a little cold and I found out from other co-workers that they were blaming it on race, when if you look at the work being put in it had more to do with the fact that I had been more open to learning and reliable for if something needed to be done in a pinch.

I guess the point of the story/rant is that they went straight to thinking that because I'm white/male I got the promotion which would be viewed as privilege when the fact is that had more to do with my work ethic than anything else

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