Since we are on Amazon deliveries today. I feel the urge to repost my incident.

I see a lot of shitty puns and jokes in here, but not many people talking about how the unrealistic delivery windows these drivers are held to very likely contribute to situations like these happening in the first place.

Like don't get me wrong, this is nasty selfish behaviour on her part, and polite people don't really do this kind of thing. But the way I see it, the only reasons someone would consider doing this would be: massive ignorance, mental illness, or as a "fuck you" to the unlucky customer and the company whose policies force some of these drivers to think that pissing in a bottle is preferable to missing a delivery window.

I see this video and I don't laugh, it makes me sad. I wish people didn't jump straight to thinking these are the actions of an ignorant degenerate, and considered things a bit more empathetically.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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