Since there's a minimum age requirement, how would you feel about implementing a maximum age limit on running for president?

Carter established the Department of Education

A 120 billion/year organization that does virtually nothing important

and increased college tuition grants for needy students.

Starting the massive increase in college tuition costs

Carter created the Department of Energy

Another bureaucratic agency that we had zero need for

and began tax incentives for home insulation

Banned the home insulation currently in use at that point in time

for solar energy because he recognized the dangers of our growing dependence on foreign oil.

His idea of solar energy was solar water heaters. These destroyed homes and did nothing important

Carter understood that, after Watergate, trust in government needed to be restored. He imposed gift limits and financial disclosure rules on his appointees, slowed the revolving door of officials departing to lobby their former departments, and appointed inspectors general to root out fraud and mismanagement.

Spent so much time here that he forgot to do anything else

Carter brokered the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty that is still in place today.

A monkey with USA branded on its ass could have done that

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