Sincere Question: What are your issues with the Orthodox Church? How can we help?

Well, I tried to get an OCF started with a organized hierarchy and training for both students and lay advisors. I met a lot of resistance. Right now, OCF as a national organization is focusing all of it's energies on training students to put them into positions that quite frankly, should be held by non student lay staff and clergy. I've spoken with more than one individual about this, almost all of them (including the person who is somewhat in charge of OCF) has rejected my proposal. Basically, I think OCF should have a structure similar to the Boys Scouts or Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. You have a local chapter run by student leaders. They receive training on the local level. They are in turn advised/guided by a staff worker, this person could be either a lay or clergy person. This staff worker will also receive training. This training will be on the local level as well. A group of chapters will be overseen by a regional staff advisor or director who reports directly to the national office. He/she, in collaboration with the chapter staff workers, develop and plan activities and training for their region. The national office should be in charge of setting the vision and mission and purpose of OCF, and ensuring the chapters are also fulfilling that vision and mission. The national office also sets the standards and expectations, set policies and procedures and ensures they are being followed.

There is a lot of resistance to this. I've been told this is not the "Orthodox" Way. So instead they are doing the same thing but putting students in those positions instead of non students. Full time college students do not have the time and frankly not always the maturity to be in positions that require a high level of skills and responsibilities.

Anytime any kind of organization like this is attempted, much resistance is met. Strangely enough, I just got involved at my parish with Trail Life (similar to Boys Scouts) They have an organization that sets policies and procedures, adults involved have to register and receive training. your local chapter is a part of a greater bigger organization you are accountable to. I don't understand why there's so much resistance to this within Orthodoxy, but there's acceptance of it when it comes from outside Orthodoxy.

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