Bernie Sanders $15 minimum wage

I absolutely love your source! I found where you are referencing, pages 13-~15, and I absolutely love the information they provide. This is a very detailed report and sheds a lot of light on the circumstances that would surround a minimum wage increase.

That is, a minimum wage increase by itself. There are other factors that will be present in the upcoming years that were not accounted for in the report, of course because the report was not focused on precisely Sander's proposal. Additional circumstances include the average reduction of private health insurance costs by about $5,500 on average, the introduction of free tuition for public colleges, and the potential for small businesses to expand to meet required salary standards. The health insurance cost decrease alone is a life saver, but combined with the potential for anybody to go to college if they want to (which decreases loans and removes the factor from keeping people in poor financial situations) offers much more room for the middle and lower class to work to achieve new heights without being impeded. Account for these factors, and you'll see many more people rise up from the lower class.

As the report stands, the increase to $10.10 without any factors like the ones I mentioned brings up 900,000 people from below the poverty line. I'd posit that the ability of young adults to go out and get tuition free education without the risk of being flooded with loans would actually motivate people in the middle and upper classes, who your source argues would split the advantages of this minimum wage increase, to be less inclined to take up these jobs and go straight for the education. Doing so would introduce massive returns the likes of which the country hasn't experienced for decades, and the lower class would quickly be able to support their families off of working much less. That or working the same and having a substantially increased quality of life, that is!

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