SJW thinks that white genocide is okay and there is no reason to be against it.

Every single German person alive today exists because their ancestors "destroyed" previous nations that used to exist where modern day Germany now exists.

The Goths, the Vandals, the Gepids, the Scirii, the Alans, the Huns were all peoples who predate modern germans, many of whom were non-white.

No nationalist can claim to want to defend national identity without stepping over the previous national identities which were washed away to form his own.

Incidentally any population that continues to exist in the far north for any significant amount of time will evolve light skin to compensate for the lower light levels. The only possibility of white people not existing long term is if people stop living in lower light environments, so the idea of "white genocide" via other races outbreeding white people is as idiotic as the people who espouse it.

Personally I don't give a fuck if 100% of people are white or 0% of people are white, because I'm not a weak seed who derives their self worth from what color skin they happened to be born with.

The irony is that nationalists are using the bogus threat of "destruction" and "genocide" (not in any real sense of course, just in the sense that human beings will continually evolve and interbreed as they have always done), to advocate against policies that were established to put an end to ACTUAL genocide and destruction, that occurred within living memory due to nationalist europeans conscripted millions of other europeans to kill each other by the hundreds of millions, all in the name of "national service".

Thanks but no thanks. I'll enjoy not giving a fuck about national identity and treating people based on the content of their character and not where they happened to be born.

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