Smoking cigarettes reduce stress??

Yes, it works. It’s one of only three good things (aside from the subjective sense of pleasure) about smoking tobacco. The others, that people don’t like to mention often since it’s a little gauche to speak positively about tobacco in any form, is that:

1. It is in fact a very powerful neuroprotective agent, and smoking cigarettes is known to ward off diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Smokers who live to old age very rarely get degenerative brain diseases like that. And,

2. Tobacco is also known to be a potent antidepressant, which you can find multiple studies for. This is an issue, because depressed people are more inclined to smoke, and the smoking actually does a fairly competent job at mimicking the effects of antidepressant drugs such as Wellbutrin (which ironically enough is commonly prescribed for the purpose of helping to quit cigarettes - thanks in large large to the fact that it actually serves as a replacement for one of the effects of smoking), which leads to the depressed smokers having an even more difficult time wanting to quit.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread