'Social Camouflage' May Lead To Underdiagnosis Of Autism In Girls

Hmm. My girlfriend and I were just talking about this the other day. She swears that something feels "off" in her head. After researching quite a bit, I'm beginning to think she is high functioning, as does she.

I am a very real person and say what's on my mind, sometimes to the point that it hurts those around me. But I've noticed with her that if things don't go EXACTLY how she imagined, it's like her world is ending, even when I say something truly harmless and without malice. Something that anyone else wouldn't even bat an eye at. It will be dissected and turned into a big ordeal.

She obsesses over things like action figures, those Pop! vinyl things, and Star Wars, and kind of turns into a child if she can't get something to add to her collection. I don't mind any of these things, as I'm a firm believer that you should do what makes you happy, but I've always thought it was a bit "strange" how into these things she actually is. Also, her interests always take priority over her loved ones', which I can relate to to a point, but if it's not her interest, she struggles to even support you in it.

If we go to a restaurant and they don't have what she wanted to eat, then her night will not be fun. I have learned to be more patient and go to a different place.

The only symptom that I find a bit concerning is whenever she gets sad, it is EXTREMELY hard for her to come out of it. Everything she says in those times is negative, and she will dig herself into a deeper hole. She is getting better at allowing me to help her out of those ruts, but I still keep a close eye on her on those days, as she has self-harmed before. Minor scratches, no major cuts or anything, but it's still not good. Those episodes are getting more and more rare though. I also don't feel as if she's depressed, because these spells of sadness only last for hours, or a day at most. Then she's back to her happy self.

She has a steady job and friends, and our relationship is absolutely amazing most of the time. I am learning how to watch what I say a little more, and she is learning to try to pick her battles.

I guess our next step is to try to talk to a professional. I think it would make both of us feel much better, and would help us approach situations in a much more appropriate way.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - npr.org