Some doctors won't see patients with anti-vaccine views

Unless they were stuck having to see the same doctor, I would have seen another one. My doctor is more than willing to refer you to someone that will know more about what problem that you might be having. I have seen specialists for all kinds of things. He always asks for feedback about the specialist that he sent you to. If you feel that you are not receiving the level of care that you want, you are more than entitled to ask for another specialist of a whole norther doctor all together. My doctors main concern is that you feel that you are treated to the best that medicine has to offer. He seems to be the exception, from my experience and from the stories that others have talked about. I had one doctor that believed that mental conditions were something that did not really exist and people made it up because they were looking for a pill fix.

My sons pediatrician was just awful. She never told us about anything. Her attitude was that we should know everything already. We were new parents, we didn't know jack shit about being a parent. We would sometimes leave the appointment with more questions than answers. I think that my son suffered from stuff more than he should have because of the care he wasn't receiving. Any time we would ask her a question it was always answered in a quick sentence, it was usually don't worry about that. My wife refused to have our son see another doctor because she cared what the doctor would think of us leaving. I finally convinced her that if the doctor didn't care to see us until 2 hours after our appointment time and tried to rush us out the door once we got in, then she probably wouldn't care if we just stopped seeing her all together. The doctor that we have now for our daughter is much more better. Any questions we have, she will fully answer them, she explains everything that she is doing. My wife regrets staying loyal to a doctor that couldn't care less about our son. Every doctor my son has seen since has always been much more better than his first.

I have found that every good doctor will tell you that if you feel that you are not receiving the level of care that you want, it's perfectly fine if you want to see another doctor. They know that just sometimes people can't get along, or that they just can't give the level of care that a person feels that is adequate. A good doctor in my opinion will be honest and admit when they don't know enough about something.

I had to get the Tdap shot before my daughter was born due to the people refusing to vaccinated. The people that have no choice I have no problem with. I have an absolute problem with people that refuse to get the vaccine because they don't like vaccines. They put the people that cant get the vaccine at risk because of their own twisted beliefs.

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