Some Thoughts on the Indian University Education System

Yet you wrote shit amount of words.

I meant that I didn't have time to wait for the system to reform. I do plan to join a Computer Science course in 2-3 years. Won't wait until I turn 60 to join one and wait for India to catch up.

You are not even 18?

How does that matter ? 18 is the age when a human is ready to vote and drive, not study. There are 15 year old kids enrolled in university.

BITS has an admission exam last time I cleared it. Why do you mention this ?

All top tier schools have some form of entrance exam (SAT, JEE, STEP). Did I ever say I was against entrance exams ?

Indian universities have a decent pedagogy just as American schools have

Do a quick google search and have a look at the problem faced by students (and teachers). Even a stupid source like Quora will give you decent reasoning.

Indian universities have a decent pedagogy just as American schools have. Studied in both, so I blv I can say that.

If India's top 1% compares to American top 50% then the statistics don't matter. Also popular opinion says otherwise.

I am not criticizing the system.

I edited my comment and added a single word. Read it again. Although I think it should've been clear without it as well. Because the word 'like' is not used for implying a fact, but tendency.

I am a professor at a top school in India, so I do understand what some of the highly motivated faculty members feel when operating inside the system and how extremely demotivated students do inside the class.

That explains your bias. Good thing you told. I guess the egotistic stereotype mentioned by my friends and 1000s of other people in Quora answers is confirmed.

You'd be better off saying "Let them eat cake" than typing that long comment.

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