Someone spent their Halloween night putting up "It's Okay to be White" posters along the Danforth..

That’s good for you but my point here is not everyone thinks that way, and such a posting should make you play the devils advocate. What’s it mean to be black? Africa is a continent.

People flipping out because I defended a sign that says it’s okay to be white too what’ the fuck is wrong with em?

Smh. More racists in this thread than all the white people I have ever met in my entire life.

I’m going to sleep now.

You must accept all truths before parroting one (referring to ‘oppressed groups’ line in particular). You are the story you tell yourself.

I’ve seen real oppression and people wringing on about how terrible I am for supporting the statement one should be able to freely and publicly make without cause of alarm is also alarming.

To prevent this language is to promote racism itself because even if the self righteous here are doing so in order to protect the groups they believe to be oppressed, they promote what they’re trying to fight.

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