To someone who has mastered your mind.How has your life changed

No they don't. Abiding in the true nature of the mind helps abiding in the true nature of mind. These extra steps are nothing but extra steps. Do you think you will get closer to home by walking away from it?

Abiding in the nature of mind transforms the dualistic mind. One still has habits and discursiveness even if they abide in the awareness nature, these can be tamed.

Concentration doesn't lead to tranquility, it leads to dullness.

Not according to countless masters and not according to my own experience.

You destroy your intelligence and hypnotize your brain with concentration practices that put your mind to sleep and destroy your awareness.

Now I know you lack experience. The fact that you give advice with this lack of experience is a shame because you're hurting so many people on this sub and wherever else you speak.

There is no possible way to destroy awareness. The flow of wisdom and intelligence only strengthens by taming the mind. If the mind is jumping from one thing to another, how can it perform tasks very well?

All you are doing is getting a little relaxation in a sleepy state, and while that is good in this stressful day and age, it is not meditation

You have obviously not experienced deeper states of abiding. Dullness is one of the five hindrances in Buddhism, there are clear methods to overcome it while strengthening meditative qualities.

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