Something's very wrong

I've read the same story too. That was my first thought, this is the same guy. It has to be. All the details are the same about the store and buildings changing. I sure enough believe him too. I don't know if it was the drugs or not but I believe what he experienced was real to him. A guy I know was telling me about this drug. Said it was like going on a spiritual quest and finding out all the answers to the world. I lean towards the belief that drugs can actually lift the veil in some ways. Many people will dismiss a story such as this story claiming you were on drugs. I say maybe drugs brought him into a place where he could experience something real that he couldn't have otherwise.

But in a way I just don't know. I'm quite like you. The first time I smoked weed I saw Munzies which were in my head. I closed my eyes and seen a skeleton with a bandana on walking by and the word Munzy flashed across in a bubble type thing like you see in comic books. You know the bubble with perforated edges that the words are in? Anyway I flipped out and was like what is a Munzy? My friends were all just like wtf? I seen some other weird shit. I thought I saw my friends sister crawl in the fridge...I tried to call 911 but my friend tackled me, I had the phone in my hand but the numbers kept moving. We went for a walk and I kept feeling like I was falling down out of the sky like when your life restarts on a Nintendo game. It was just way awful. And I have never had another experience like that on weed. Every one I tell is convinced it was laced. Though I seem to be the only one who experienced anything weird. My best friend said she seen shit crawling on the wall but that's it. I don't know...that shit scared me from weed for a long time.

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