Sorry ladies, but as it turns out you're all a bunch of anorectic narcissists, or just misogynistic men pretending to be women

I feel like the whole "body positive" thing affects women more, just in general. It makes sense that we'd make up the majority of this forum. I got in shape after years of being "the fat girl", but my timing was off, as so many people in this decade now cater to being overweight/obesity, especially in women. Either by tiptoeing around their feelings to a level far beyond appropriate (i.e., you don't even have to mention your weight or health habits, just existing is a trigger to them), or tearing down thin, fit or even just average sized women for their benefit. I'm now seeing those size 16-18ish getting the same treatment because now they're not even big enough. I don't talk about size, food, exercise with anyone because I know how it feels to be overweight in those conversations. Even then, I've gotten the most hate for my body than anything else in my life because the mentality that was confined to tumblr just a few years ago is now trickling into the mainstream. It's taken me years after getting in shape to get to the point where I don't hate looking in the mirror because everyone around me thinks I should.

I had to close down my successful online women's clothing business of 10 years because the sizing expectations got so out of hand that it became impossible to move forward without getting hateful rants in my inbox/demands for refund (despite the meticulous measurements listed) every other order because what used to be considered 1X should now be the small. Or the 3X should now be the 1X. Or any combination of the customers agenda at that moment.

A lot of us don't hate bigger sized people at all, just how the "beautiful at all sizes, unless you're thin" movement is affecting us in our daily lives. A lot of us have done absolutely nothing irl to offend anyone, but have had to suffer this backlash just for being us. Like we've committed a crime just for being smaller. This is just a place to rant about THAT, and find a little sanity.

/r/fatlogic Thread Link -