Sources: Russians discussed potentially 'derogatory' information about Trump and associates during campaign

As much as I'd like to believe this and as much as I believe how much as of how has been revealed as true, it is important to remember that to Russia, all targets are fair game. It would love to make those going after Trump look like fools as much as it likes seeing Trump's administration go up in flames due to its meddling. "Russian intercepts" could easily be yet another round of classic misinformation. I think there is already plenty of evidence of at least OOJ on Trump's part, and the evidence of meddling is being looked into thoroughly, but if just ONE story comes out as actual "fake news", the White House and supporters would love to jump on it as an oppritunity to call all of it fake. Let's try to be objective about these "intercepts". If more proof comes out though, hey, great. But I remember the "golden showers" fiasco all too well (which as probably another attempt by Russia to make all sides look stupid, cause infighting, etc).

The Russian tactic on meddling of the behalf of LePen and Trump is "divided they fall".

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