South Korea cites 'moral' obligation to receive hundreds of Afghan evacuees

You seem to be of the mindset that all adoptions are worthy and good based on ‘those kids would have been treated like shit in homes that did not want them’.

No dude, that was about the notion of forcing people who didn't want to adopt to adopt kids. Please reread what was written. Or are you intentionally misinterpreting the discussion because you are embarrassed about being called out?

Here’s what they could have done: preserve the family. Help birth moms keep their kids first. Don’t shame them for having kids out of wedlock. Have fathers take care of their parental duties. Help poor families raise their kids instead of coercing them to give up their child for ‘a chance at a better life’.

Oh boy... you harped on about my lack of familiarity with Korean culture/history and what the general attitude toward adoption is/was decades ago (especially for kids of mixed race/wedlock/health issues), yet these are your suggestions? Sorry to burst your bubble, but it isn't a utopia here, nor elsewhere. How would a government implement such changes and in what timeframe? Fines and imprisonments?

It is funny how your stance changed after finding out who you were talking to. Don't go around pretending to be an expert in things you have no clue about. It isn't helpful to anyone.

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