Is unbiased or white listed by my ISP to cheat the results? (Comcast)

Hopefully the word "fucking" isn't your point of contention for behavior a civilized genius like yourself would never use such a word right? Other than you already did. You do realize that the bulk of my uncouth behavior has been quoted, because you stated yourself how much you knew, and what did or didn't mean "exclusively nothing". We after an English lesson as well?


You also realize, you have skewed and changed the point of the OP, each reply? You are also providing nothing...but you have convinced yourself you are, to the point you tried to reference a reply I made that agree with you, on something I never disagreed with you on.

Also, how does one not use the f-word when you reply with this kind of highly technical stuff? "AT LEAST THEY HAVE DATA".

Dude seriously, are you reading what you write, what in thee FUCKING WORLD does data matter if you don't know what to do with it or what it even means? You don't even say what he should do with that data...but he's got it, so you are right...seriously.

Also, you have provide NOTHING, repeat, NOTHING with "technical merit" you type 2 commands that someone can run, not even the syntax or arguments / how to run them / or what they truly tell you / where and what to look for. So stop begging for me to provide "technical merit". Should I just start type command line options with no arguments and say these commands provide you with data...and "at least you have you data" now?

Speedtest...the point of your contention you seem to glaze and partially cover since you think they are worthless, again to an "average user".

Do they fix the problem, didn't I ever say they did? No and no...but they can verify one's possibly there with 2 clicks. Whether it be temporary issue or something else. They tell a non-technical person, even if it's maybe I should reboot the modem/router....if that doesn't work or it doesn't get better tomorrow I will call tech support. You're not talking about a network that you personally have to support and maintain, you're talking about a network that to you is provided because you pay X dollars per month to X company to provide internet access at speeds of X.

You want to throw a bunch of fancy shit out there that is "better" for YOU. But not for the person that only knows his/her internet should work, and a number should come back close to what they're paying for. But you realize what that non-tech person will run into when they get online and start Googling "how to fix this and that". They will see Reboot...then...try this, try that, and break shit trying to be technical Mr Fix it, or maybe come across a reddit post about commands, posted from a guy with years upon years of experience, and get results they don't understand, can't interpret, and don't know what it helps them, then move on find something else.

There is nothing technical to provide about speedtests to provide, which you clearly are aware. They provide a result for whether or not a person, again please read these AVERAGE USER, does or doesn't potentially have an issue.

You can think they are worthless all you want, "they provide NOTHING". And you can be wrong all you want, also providing NOTHING. will have lots of do NOTHING with. No "technical" details described. I mean do you really think you have provided something super technical because you literally wrote two commands in caps? But want to bash me for not providing anything of "technical merit" please dude, wake up.

Go on and on, I'm not online to frequently write essays and rebuff blowoffs that slap a few things together and say they are "experienced" and "technical" hoping the OP follows his advice since society tells him years = experience and knowledge. Do you know your shit? Hell I don't know, you typed a pile of opinions just like I have, that really provide nothing...other than data someone doesn't know how to use, and use literally 2 technical words, and nothing. Nothing specific...but want me to spew a bunch of tech details about how great and technologically awesome a speedtest website is. When it's never what I even said, for the 3rd time. Your belief speedtest provide nothing at all, is still a moronic response or belief.

Now go back to feeling great about yourself, and skim someone else replies or comments, only entertaining what you THINK you can dispute. You aren't getting another reply from me.

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